The New Year brings new beginnings, new goals, new resolutions, new plans and new dreams! Here are People First’s top 5 New Year’s “work” resolutions:
1) Be happy and do your best every day
Instead of focusing on what keeps you up at night, look at what motivates and makes you happy at work every day.
Here are 3 questions that we suggest you ask yourself to help you stay on track to having a happy, motivating, productive work experience:
- Do I know what is expected of me at work?
- Do I have the materials and equipment I need to complete my work?
- Do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day?
People who can positively answer these questions are more likely to be happy and productive at work.
2) Network and make professional contacts
Look up colleagues with whom you have lost touch and meet other professionals within your industry. Make sure you attend at least one professional meeting each month, you will benefit from the relationships you develop from these meetings. It is not enough just to join, you need to actively participate in reaping the rewards from professional collaboration.
Look up these local HR & business networking groups in Dubai and sign up:
- CIPD Middle East
- The British Business Group
- GCC Business Council
- The Human Resource Forum
3) Stimulate your mind every day
It is easy to get stuck in a routine doing the same thing – read to continue to learn and grow.
Read news and articles related to your industry
Debate ways of working with your colleagues
Research what your competitors are doing
Read business books or periodicals on a monthly basis
4) Take up a new hobby or activity this year
As managers or business professionals, it’s easy to get caught up in helping and supporting others throughout the day. Set time aside for yourself every day, it could be to exercise, or to go for a walk, write in a journal or event take up a hobby. Engaging in a new hobby provides a great outlet for releasing stress. By focusing on a non-work-related task, you’re giving your mind something else to focus on.
Here’s a list to help you get started:
5) Get organised
Track your to-do list, daily engagements and life goals; whether you choose a paper method or an electronic method, tracking your daily activities against your most important goals is critical so that you ensure you accomplish your most important priorities.
Use a planner, whether in Microsoft Office Outlook, Google Calendar or on your smartphone – it will allow you to empty much of the daily detail from your mind. Clearing your mind will give you more room for critical thinking.